2021 SMRI visitors Dr Adam Piggott, Professor Murray Elder

The Sydney Mathematical Research Institute’s International Visitor Program offers an enriching experience for fellow mathematical scientists, fostering collaboration on a global scale.

This visitor program serves to connect mathematicians from diverse corners of the world to engage in meaningful discussion, exchange knowledge and ideas, and establish lasting connections with researchers in Australia.

Visitors to SMRI have the benefit of time for focussed research, the opportunity to present their own findings, and the chance to interact with local academics and other visitors. Successful applicants to the visitor program will be provided with a financial contribution towards their visit, practical resources, and opportunities for scientific exchange and discovery. SMRI can be found in the surrounds of the historic University of Sydney Quadrangle and is located only five kilometres from Sydney’s famous harbour.

Apply for the International Visitor Program

The next IVP Round is open from Tuesday 18 June to Tuesday 6 August 2024, for visits between July 2025–June 2026.

Please read the Terms & Conditions before submitting an application. Click here to apply.

The following links may be useful for prospective applicants who are looking for a University of Sydney host. Applicants must make contact before submission to ensure the host’s availability.

Francisco Crespo

“It’s an excellent place to carry out research.” – Francisco Crespo, University of Bío-Bío (August–December 2022)

Iva Halacheva

“I’m really glad that this program exists and I hope it will continue for many years to come, because it’s a wonderful opportunity to meet both Australian mathematicians as well as other international visitors.” – Iva Halacheva, Northeastern University (June–August 2023)

Andrew Krause

“I would highly encourage early career researchers particularly to look into the SMRI as an opportunity to do something different, like a short sabbatical or a short break. I will definitely be looking at coming back.” – Andrew Krause, Durham University (June–July 2023)